The Fiber Studio Conduct and Rules

  1. All members and visitors shall respect the creative place we have created for artists. We have worked hard to provide an environment that will allow all types of fiber artists to thrive and flourish in their art. Please remember to keep the Studio a kind and respectful space.

  2. While yarn and fiber is soft and squishy, the tools to process them are often sharp and dangerous. Please keep this in mind, no running with scissors is the just the beginning of the respect these tools require.

  3. In keeping with Rule #2: All Members, Students, and Visitors must sign a liability waiver. Let’s keep the Studio a safe place to work.

  4. Please remember that many artists are sharing this space and respect the tools, yarns, and items that are not your own. Please no petting of warps, borrowing of shuttles, moving equipment, treadling someone else’s wheel or any other physical disruptions of another’s work or space unless you have that artist’s express permission.

  5. We like to keep our Studio neat, tidy and in proper working order. If you notice any maintenance that is needed, or if any situation that requires prompt attention is discovered, please contact Tara or reach out to another Founding member.

  6. Feel free to bring drinks or snacks, but we do ask that foods be eaten in the kitchen area and any related messes be tended to. Drinks may accompany you as you work but take care in their placement that furniture, materials, work or other features are not damaged as a result.

  7. We ask for understanding due to the nature of our space as it relates to children. Fiber work is an inherently colorful, interesting and a tactile experience for curious hands, but not all tools and spaces are child friendly. All children must be accompanied and supervised at all times by an adult Member or in the presence and under the guidance of a Founder or Workshop Teacher. We look forward to offering events and workshops to children that are appropriate to their age and coordination ability, and we actively encourage and welcome them to these events.

  8. Due to the specialized nature of the Studio tools, all Members must have completed a Workshop at the Studio or an Orientation with the Studio owner or an owner appointed Member prior to using Studio tools or equipment. If there is an item you wish to explore please let us know! We are excited to be a part of an artists growth into different techniques and skills.

  9. Both the Studio and surrounding buildings and areas are monitored 24/7 by recorded video surveillance. We want you to feel comfortable, and encourage you to take in the view but this extra layer of protection keeps our Studio, our visitors and our horses safe.